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Even if it is made into zongzi, it should be slept in a coffin, and then runes are painted at both ends of the coffin to suppress the zongzi. Even if the zongzi is activated in the future, the coffin will become its home.

However, we also carefully checked the two ends of the stone coffin before, and I didn’t see any runes. Besides, when I looked through the crack, I didn’t see any coffin marks and an arm.
It’s so unusual. Now even the black man is a little unsure. He walks in place with his hands behind his back and occasionally hits his mouth.
"Black master, did it evaporate too long in that coffin?" My idea is a little funny, and I don’t even believe it myself, but at this time, I still hold a dead horse as a living horse doctor, hoping to give Mr. Black a little indication.
Lord Hei didn’t answer me. He closed his eyes and thought for a while. Suddenly he looked at me and Batukou with his eyes open. "I want to go back and see if you two have any opinions?"
Batu and I didn’t respond at the moment, and our eyes were confused and we looked at Black Ye.
After a while, we finally reacted, cast a glance at each other and then nodded at the black master.
"Black Ye, I also want to see it!" My mouth way
It’s so weird that I can’t help being curious, but Batu and I are naturally afraid to go back if the former black man doesn’t talk. If there is any danger, Batu and I can be regarded as stomach dishes.
But Lord Hei is different. If he wants to go back and have a look, Batu and I have fallen to a very low point.
The expression on Uncle Hei’s face changed for a while, and finally he nodded heavily and said, "Well, we’ll go back and have a look, but you must listen to me in case of any danger!"
"Don’t worry, Black Master, we haven’t been together for a day or two. Don’t you know us?" Batu beat me to say everything I wanted to say.
Black Ye grabbed a handful of painted paper from his bag and stuffed it into his chest clothes. Then he took out a compass and a red rope soaked in cinnabar water and put it into his chest.
Then he threw the bag to me and said, "Hold the bag and don’t leave me five steps away. If there is anything, you should always find something from the bag for me."
"Well, you can rest assured!" I took the black bag and nodded and replied
Black Ye looked firmly at Batu and me and nodded, then turned and walked to the hall just now.
Batu and I also ordered a head for each other and followed behind Black Ye.
Soon we will go back to that hall again, and it is still the same as before, and it is still the same as before when we pry it open.
Black Ye didn’t stop and walked straight towards the coffin platform. Batu and I naturally couldn’t stop and still followed Black Ye closely.
When approaching the door of the coffin table, Master Hei looked back at us and said softly, "You two wait for me here now, and then come and see the coffin if there is no danger."
I came to say that I was going to face the danger with the black master, but considering that our root is the burden of the black master, even before Batu and I, I could distract the black master, so I swallowed what I had said and nodded at the black master.
Black Ye tightly held the purple little wood blade and walked slowly forward with the other hand. Batu and I dared not take a bite and looked at Black Ye with the other hand behind us.
Finally, Master Hei has approached. He didn’t look back. We saw that his body trembled a little, and then he picked up his hand and slowly moved the light to the crack surface, while his feet gently stood on tiptoe.
Batu and I dare not disturb the black master now. Although we are curious about what the black master saw, we have been holding back from talking.
Suddenly, the black man stood on tiptoe and let his body go back two steps, and then he handed his hand back without looking back. I quickly took it and shone on the black man.
After giving me his hand, Master Hei grabbed a piece of paper from his chest and threw it into the air, holding a purple wooden sword and pulling out several beautiful arcs. The paper suddenly burst into flames when it touched wood blade.
"The wind and fire are thundering!" Wait until the operator paper burn about black ye low drink a way
The original flame was about to burn out, and it suddenly became strong after Black Ye shouted out the formula. Even the light in our hands was eclipsed at this moment, and the head-sized flame lit up this large place.
Of course, it’s not true that Heiye burned the paper. According to the paper, after the flame became bigger, he flew to a strange place almost two meters away.
The flame was so fast that it reached the strange place in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the flame suddenly went out, and a mass of black ash fell from the handle to form a sacred-looking symbol.
Black master’s right index finger and thumb are closed into a sword and placed in front of his forehead, mumbling something.
“!” After reading the spell for a while, Black Ye gently shouted out.
"Boom!" I feel the ground shaking like a loud noise, which hurts my eardrums.
When I opened my eyes again, I found that the three walls and roof of the original coffin platform flew aside, and at the same time, the weird lid inside was also lifted.
However, none of these things are completely damaged, but they are separated as a whole
It’s strange that the whole body looks like an egg that has been cut by someone, even though we are far away, we can still see the arm inside.
Batu and I suddenly felt that our hearts had jumped to our throats, and our blood flowed back into our feet, ready to escape. If we wanted to leave, we would immediately run away.
But things were beyond our expectation. After standing on tiptoe for a while, Black Ye actually walked forward and buried his head when he reached the body. Suddenly, Batu and I were possessed.
"Don’t, Black Master!"
Black Ye was shocked by Batuyin and me. He looked back at us and then turned his head to continue looking at the front.
Batu and I saw clearly that Master Hei was not possessed by evil spirits. He looked sober but his face was a little strange.
At this moment, something that puzzled Batu and me even more happened. Black Ye picked up his hand and wood blade poked it in the coffin for a few times, and then took out wood blade completely.
It’s my turn to get to know Master Hei with Batufa. There doesn’t seem to be anything dangerous in it, otherwise he wouldn’t be so relaxed and careless.
But I did see a white arm inside just now. Will things in it change?
Thought of here, I couldn’t help it any longer, and I walked with steps.
I still saw the’ arm’ in my eyes when I was a few steps away from the monster, but this time, because there was no cover to stop me, my vision was wider and I saw that there was no palm at the end of the’ arm’
Batu followed, wondering and looking at things.
Finally, when I walked next to Uncle Hei, it was completely presented to me.
I was also shocked, because it was not a dumpling, but a giant ginseng. The arm I saw before was this ginseng.
"Ginseng?" I can’t believe it, because this ginseng is too big, the length is at least one meter five, and the diameter of the trunk is twenty or thirty centimeters.
Where can a ginseng grow so big? Even those who have participated in the king for thousands of years are even less than one tenth of it!
However, this thing lying in the coffin is really similar to ginseng, except that it is bigger and looks like a ginseng.
Black ye mechanically shook his head and kept swallowing saliva in his mouth.
"Is this ginseng? Can ginseng grow so big? " Batu asked himself as he swallowed saliva.
"Should not be ginseng? I’ve never heard where there are so many ginseng. "Now the three of us have been completely stunned, asking questions and answering questions without going through the brain but reactively saying."
Chapter 152 Land Dragon
"Yes, I did. I really did this time!" A few minutes later, Batu’s face looked ecstatic and he talked to himself like a madman.
I was also excited when I was about to be happy with Batu, and a name I had never seen flashed through my mind.
"Land Dragon This is a land dragon!" I was more excited than shouting at the thought of this name.
Black Ye and Batu turned their heads in disbelief and looked at me.
"Black ye this is the land dragon times when I was in your home, didn’t you put a desktop? I saw this thing on that side. It’s definitely a land dragon! " I explained excitedly.
Land dragon, also known as wild ginseng, is a very precious thing. The growth condition of land dragon is still a puzzle today. As the saying goes, things are scarce and expensive, and it will make people make a fortune every time it appears.
According to the dragon man who discovered the land before, we know that it likes to grow in dark places, and the dragon man who discovered the land has never seen its roots, as if it were growing like this.
It’s completely against the normal principle of plant growth to like darkness without roots, but anyone with common sense will know that plants must have roots and roots in the soil, so that they can absorb enough growth nutrients and water.
Sunlight is also a characteristic of plants, because they need photosynthesis to live, just like human beings have to live in a lively place.
These two points make it out of the category of plants, but in fact, just like a white radish, the juice inside will be sweet and delicious when it is gently broken. This is the nature of plants, and it has been identified that this land dragon is a big supplement and has no toxic side effects. Besides, there is no unnecessary record.
The real ingredients have nothing to do with real ginseng. The origin of the name wild ginseng is that it looks like a large ginseng, so some people call it that.
"Land Dragon …!" Lord Hei read this name in his mouth, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he asked me, "Is there no skin there?"
I nodded and replied, "It was that time when I was chatting that I looked through the land in Ji Long."
Heiye has no skin, but it’s a bit like the introduction of traditional Chinese medicine. It’s all rare herbs, and I saw the land in Ji Long.
It was also because I looked through it that I realized that this stone Guo grew into a land dragon.
"Land dragon should be very valuable? It should not be cheap to look so noble! " Batu seems to have fallen into the moneybags and said to himself.


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