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I smiled. "You know Brother Ge, right? Of course, he is also my grandpa’s younger brother."

Shen Zheng doesn’t talk or laugh anymore. Although he looks often, I guess he has settled down firmly. "Do you want to know how I know?"
I smiled and looked at Shen Zheng’s eyes. "Although I don’t know what you have done, you are doomed to fail."
"I’d like to hear more." Shen Zheng’s face relaxed. "I still underestimated you. How do you know?"
"Want to know?" I pointed to the car. "Now take me to Beijing and I’ll tell you when I get in."
"No, I’m still waiting for a job …" The driver turned pale and lost his temper at Shen Zheng.
Chapter 99 Recording mezzanine
"I decide when it’s your turn?" Shen Zheng looked at the driver’s master frowned. The driver’s master bowed his head and stopped talking with his fist. I didn’t see the news of staring at Shen Zheng.
"Car" Shen Zheng pointed to the car behind me, and I slowly followed him. Unexpectedly, Shen Zheng was still well behaved. First of all, he achieved the driving position and waited for me. The co-pilot put the carving knife on his neck before driving the car. Two people and the driver’s master were thrown away from the car. The car slowly entered the right path along the way I came, and I moved the carving knife from his neck to his waist.
"You are the rule" I can’t help but ridicule.
"I am a man of rules" Shen Zheng was not held hostage at all. He looked around and stopped talking with the steering wheel. It took nearly three hours to get to Beijing. It was already dark and it was nearly two o’clock before the delay.
"How on earth do you know?" Shen Zheng asked me and then hit the door with both hands away from the steering wheel. "Don’t worry, I want to know that you can go at any time."
When I saw it, I simply put away the carving knife and held it close to my door to get ready to jump at any time. "You are too eager to get it done. I don’t know what Lao Ge and my grandfather and younger brother are looking for me, but he seems to appear a little frequently. First, I went to school to find me, but I didn’t admit my identity. The second time, you pretended to be a friend of Ji Shan’s and called me, or you listened to our previous conversation and learned that the Chinese medicine bag made me afraid. After I learned the truth, he came to my dormitory and asked Ji Shan to give me a note with his number."
I couldn’t help laughing when I thought of this. "At that time, I didn’t connect you until this time you showed up and told me such a secret thing when my mother died. Only when I was very close to my grandfather did I know that my grandfather was a heavy-hearted person. I don’t know how they fell out, but it is very likely that he had been to my mother’s funeral and knew this."
I think it’s like Shen Zheng. "My grandfather is dead, and so is Ge. This is the naked truth. You are very clever. You know that I will be different from others, so I will probably believe what you said … I had an impulse to believe what you said. What if I followed you to see my grandfather? But fortunately, I am not stupid. "
"You are very clever," Shen Zheng laughed. "But I must let me take you back at all costs."
I shivered when I heard this sentence from Shen Zheng. "Are you going to go back on your word?"
"No, no," Shen Zheng pointed to the door behind me. "You can always be honest and tell me not to hurt you."
Shen Zheng said and took out a recording pen. "I will either fool you in the past. If I can’t fail, I will listen to this recording pen. I don’t need the second method. I overestimate myself."
As he spoke, he saw his voice recorder press a deep voice. "Xiaoxi, I don’t know how Chen Zhong and Ge Tao told you that I felt your hostility when I went to see you, but I knew it was you the first time I saw you when you were a child. I adopted a roundabout policy to threaten you and force you to admit your identity, which may have scared you, but I want to tell you that at that time, if Chen didn’t raise you, you would be my child. I think we need to talk and look forward to meeting you."
This recording is full of ups and downs. At last, I was completely dull. What do you mean, if Chen didn’t raise you, you would be my child?
I’m totally fooled. Chen Chong is my grandfather’s name, yes, but what do you mean, if my grandfather didn’t raise me, I would be his child? This sentence is easy to understand, and I really try my best to avoid it.
"You go home." I hurried to Beijing with the luggage at the back of the car.
Shen Zheng didn’t chase me until I found a seat. But at this time, my mind was in a daze. I still remember that when Grandpa Chen Shansheng was born, he was happy to shout that the Chen family finally had a future. At that time, I was a girl, and my grandfather preferred sons to daughters. After all, even after I became a girl, my family name was not Chen. But after my grandfather died, I received a letter with a lot of information, which said that Grandpa never thought you were a girl, so it was not Chen!
Now, when I heard the words in the recording, I silently choked myself. Although I have some doubts, I believe grandpa and Ge more than that person. Now that Ge and Grandpa are dead, I can rely on my younger brother to divide it, which is full of malice. His hands are like this. Others will never do anything.
Thinking about getting up, I wanted to buy a ticket, but I thought about the security check when I was carrying the box. Now there is blood in the box. If I was found out that I can’t leave Beijing, I walked to the toilet. There was no one in the toilet. I hit the box with a bloody breath. I couldn’t help shivering and dared to put the doll brother piece by piece in a plastic bag. Some maps were also contaminated by blood. I took the paper and touched it gently, only to find that the map was still polluted. There were black marks in the polluted place. I touched it and went to that place. I picked up the rice paper horizontally and hissed a thin
I gasped. I don’t know what the material of that piece of paper is, but I didn’t get a little blood. I started with a cold face. "The underworld door at the junction of Gansu and Shaanxi is still not allowed to enter."
"What do you mean?" I scratched my head and looked at the map that I tore away, like Tianjin forest and Beijing wild forest. I wondered if this was the border between Gansu and Shaanxi. Is it coincidence or … that the boundary between Gansu and Shaanxi is still a high loess slope, and there is a place hidden in the interlayer of this map that the school gives the map scope?
And Brother Ge always wants to see me. If you have anything, you can’t tell me directly to my face. I didn’t catch it, so I let Shen Zheng let me go. Although he is reasonable, if he is really malicious, there is nothing not to say directly. Jia dong le di
Besides, what will happen to Brother Doll in my suitcase? Is it the same person who gave me the map and put Brother Doll in my suitcase? If they know my whereabouts closely
I can’t help shivering at the thought of someone staring at me all the time. I want to clean up my things and buy a train ticket to Gansu or go to the border between Gansu and Shaanxi. It is very likely that I can complete the school audit. Even if the law is completed, I can go to see the place in this mezzanine, but what really attracts me is the sentence’ The nether world at the border between Gansu and Shaanxi is not allowed to enter and return’. I don’t know what it is. When I heard this sentence, I remembered the old man in gray robe’s assertion that’ the beads of dust turned into the nether world and went up and down’
Although these two sentences are linked together, the word nether world is the same, but there is a strong and strange feeling in my heart that makes me say it.
When I bought the ticket, it was already the afternoon of the next day in Gansu. It was really dry in Gansu, and the loess high slope was seriously desertified. I asked the location of the border between Gansu and Shaanxi. It would take two days to drive and eat from here. When I smiled and agreed to hire a driver, two people went from Gansu to the border between Gansu and Shaanxi. Although they had a rest, they were still pretty bad.
When I arrived at the boundary, the driver woke me up and opened my eyes. I was deeply shocked by the scene before me. There were high slopes, loess and yellow sand, which were particularly spectacular. Suddenly, I couldn’t help but shake up.
Chapter 1 Ghost Parade The Dark Gate
When I saw it, I quickly handed the money to the driver. The driver coaxed me that this place was desolate and asked me not to stay through this loess high slope. If I walk again in Shaanxi, I should also be able to see the village. "Otherwise, you will play here and stare at you next to me."
It’s still warm to stop in Gansu, and I politely waved "no"
The driver can nod his head when he sees it, and he won’t take out the carving knife until he is away from me. The violent vibration is unprecedented, and he has to shake his hand as usual. It is the sand that has been jumping from the ground and bouncing from the ground so repeatedly.
I don’t know why the carving knife will look like this. What is the secret door at the border between Gansu and Shaanxi that is not allowed to enter and return?
I was thinking that the carving knife suddenly stopped, but I reached for it, only to find that the root couldn’t pick up the carving knife, which was like rising to the ground. At this time, it was already late, and it was a little dark and dry, and people felt scared when the carving knife appeared abnormal.
Suddenly, the carving knife kept sinking and even sank into the sand. I didn’t expect it, but I knelt down and dug it, only to find that I saw it sinking deeply and disappeared.
"quicksand?" I murmured and shook my head. "It’s impossible and not a desert. How can there be quicksand? This loess high slope is only partially desertified."
I looked around with my fork in one hand and a suitcase in the other, frowning, but I was attracted by a green place behind me. Now it is more than six o’clock in the evening, and the green is also old green, but it can be seen that it is a forest surrounded by loess high slopes. Looking carefully, it seems to be high and low hills, and the stars are holding the moon.
I wonder if this is the assessment place getting closer and closer, but it’s getting darker and darker. I’m surprised to look back and see that it’s still early in the distance. How dark can it be after six o’clock?
I stopped to look at some liver tremors in the dark forest. Just now, the carving knife inexplicably sank into the sand and disappeared. Now it is dark again near the forest.
Is this the Yin Gate? I still remember the old man in gray robe talking and falling into the Yin. Now that I’m in the Yin Gate, does it count as falling into the Yin? Jiata zaba
I have drilled my fist. There are too many things that bother me these days, and the most I feel is strength. I have asked myself more than once what strength is, and one answer is that I have no strength.
My opponent is Yuan’s super-strong male ghost and Jiang’s Liu’s mother-in-law. In addition, she wants to meet Tsing Yi’s face and integrate a hundred ghosts. All these things are inseparable from the nether world. I have been relying on the nether world classics, but I feel that the nether world classics can’t support me for long.
I swallowed and boldly walked towards the inside, getting closer and darker until I entered the inside. A burst of evil wind blew from the neck, and I realized that I was going to take my mobile phone out, only to find that just after I took it out, it was hit by an evil wind. I squatted down to touch the leaves and the earth, and the mobile phone disappeared.
In this case, I trembled and continued to grope. Suddenly, there was a light getting tighter and tighter in the distance. Rows of ghosts in blue and yellow shrouds came closer and closer to me from a distance and disappeared until they came to my side. Their legs were shaking like dice, and it was recorded in the ancient books. This is called wandering the streets.


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