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Cai Yun was so frightened that he got up in a panic and scolded Liu Yu, but his panic language was pale and logical. When Liu Yu put the evidence in front of him, he couldn’t help but sit down.

The situation is already very obvious. The evidence of Cai Yun selling smuggled salt is conclusive. This time, Cai’s family will be in trouble.
However, Yang You has more important things to do than that.
Chapter 51 Bribery of Yang You
If it is simply to capture Cai Yun Yang You, it will never be so troublesome. It is enough for Liu Yu to have evidence of several people selling smuggled salt.
Yang You is still waiting for Hou Jun. Why hasn’t he come back? And where did the prince and Dai Wang go?
Cai Yun was pale. He didn’t expect Xiao Chen to suddenly throw out such heavy news as selling smuggled salt, which made him ready to panic. He picked up a glass of wine and took a sip of it. He couldn’t stand the bitterness that penetrated into his heart and lungs and immediately vomited.
Yang You narrowed his eyes when a soldier walked quickly to Yang You’s side and whispered something. Yang You gave Xiao Chen a shock and turned around and hurried away from Hou Jun to let the Ministry control Cai Fu and brought back important people himself.
Cai Wu was tied up with flowers, and he was very angry and kept cursing Hou Jun. He had given him a few slaps and hit his mouth bleeding, but he still denounced Ma Wenjie. On the other side, he looked gloomy. Why would the loyalist suddenly attack Cai Fu?
But the fact is that it happened, which can prove that something was caught by the loyalist, but what was it? Private salt? Or an affair with Datang? What should Ma Wenjie do when his brain rotates quickly?
As he was thinking, Yang You strode over, and Hou Jun quickly ushered in a low "pursuit" and handed over several books and letters.
Yang You looked at the book first, and it was recorded that when, where and who the Cai family sold smuggled salt for several years, the case was recorded one by one. It can be said that the evidence is conclusive, and Yang You could not help but laugh and even involved many officials!
After Yang You entered Jingxiang, many places were determined by Xiao Xian’s surrender. The stable officials were all old Xiaoliang officials and did not make much changes. In Yang You’s view, most of these officials were unqualified. Even if these officials were unqualified, they could not be replaced at will without sufficient reasons. Otherwise, the political situation was unstable, but with evidence, they could be replaced.
Yang You can ignore what these officials did during Xiao Liangguo’s reign, but Yang You, who also sold illicit salt during the reign of the Great Sui Dynasty, has enough reason.
In addition to these, Yang You also found a quite old pamphlet. Looking through it briefly, Yang You could not help but be ecstatic. He solemnly collected the pamphlet in his arms. With it, the Sui army’s equipment manufacturing technology may go further.
There are a few letters left. When Yang You opened them, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ma Wenjie, which was very bad.
Since Yang You appeared in Ma Wenjie, I felt a little wrong. Hou Jun was already very arrogant, but Hou Jun was particularly docile before this person. This person is not simple! Yang You’s heart sank when he couldn’t look at him properly.
Yang You went to the low room and said, "Bring Ma Wenjie here!"
"hey!" Hou Jun answered him with a grimace of a grin and went to Ma Wenjie. He stretched out a pair of big hands like cattail leaf fans and grabbed Ma Wenjie’s collar. Ma Wenjie was arrested like a chicken and resisted by force.
Ma Wenjie wanted to talk, but he found that he didn’t know whether he was nervous or his throat was too thirsty. He couldn’t speak at all.
Yang You has decided in the room that he has finished reading all the letters. Unexpectedly, this time he wanted to hit a Jingxiang officialdom, but he didn’t expect to get a windfall.
Ma Wenjie had just been carried to the room when he was thrown to the hard floor by Hou Jun, and there was a dull sound of pain. Ma Wenjie yi tooth and mouth could not help but cry. Yang You silently looked at him for half a ring and didn’t speak.
After half a ring, Ma Wenjie finally caught his breath. His face was red and his mouth made a brilliant sound. Yang You sneered at a shaking letter in one hand and threw it in front of Ma Wenjie.
"Ma Wenjie do you have anything to say? !” Yang You Li
Ma Wenjie bowed his head and saw his name at the end of the letter. He saw at a glance that it was his own letter. Ma Wenjie was very depressed. He had already told Cai Yun to burn the letter after reading it, but this bastard Cai Yun didn’t burn it!
What’s in writing a letter by yourself? Ma Wenjie Bai, once this letter falls into the hands of loyalists, it will be greatly bad! No, we must find a way to deal with this crisis!
Ma Wenjie’s brain was spinning rapidly. He suddenly climbed to Yang You’s feet with a rolling belt. He said in a hoarse voice, "This general has mercy!"
Yang You crouched down slowly and looked at him blankly. Judging from the letter, the two sides stopped communicating with each other more than half a month ago, and the appearance of Ma Wenjie meant that they had made great progress in collaborating with the enemy.
They didn’t send letters to the security office, but Ma Wenjie came to Jiangling in person. It seems that this progress means that Ma Wenjie, Li Tang and Shao have reached an initial agreement.
"Why should I spare your life?" Yang You faint smile.
Ma Wenjie didn’t hear the contempt in Yang You’s mouth. At this time, he was already more nervous. He felt that Yang You culture gave him great confidence. He quickly said, "The general wants to press this matter. I am willing to hand over all the property of Ma’s family! This money is enough to worry the general’s life! "
Ma Wenjie wants to know clearly what money is to save his life. Once Li Tang enters Jingxiang, he can get all his lost things back one by one, and he will give up everything.
Yang You didn’t speak, but kept staring at Ma Wenjie. Yang You suddenly asked, "When will Li Tang send troops?"
Ma Wenjie’s face changed again and again, which is a difficult problem. He didn’t know how to cooperate with Li Tang when Li Tang sent troops. For the time being, he didn’t know how to cooperate with, because Chang Sun Shunde told him that things often change, especially when the fighting might change at any time, and he didn’t formulate specific strategies.
Ma Wenjie’s lips wriggled and didn’t speak. He didn’t know what to answer. Yang You guessed something. If the specific time was specified, once the other party didn’t appear, then it exposed that Tang gaozu was a wily man, so he wouldn’t be so stupid.
Yang You slowly got up and paced the room. Since Tang Jun was going to send troops to attack Nanyang and Ma Jiaying was there, was it profitable? Ma Wenjie saw that Yang You had thoughtfully found the opportunity. He quickly struggled to get close to Yang You and said, "General, I have given away my family wealth and there is nothing left of him. It is better to give it to the general as a concubine than to have a few beautiful women in my family!"
Ma Wenjie has been crazy. Yang You smiled. He squatted down again and looked at Ma Wenjie’s eyes and smiled. "You are so spare no effort to hide the truth. When Li Tang enters Nanyang, you will restore your hope in Xu Tu."
"Good thinking, you are cruel enough, but the price you pay is far from enough!" Yang You smile.
Ma Wenjie leng immediately gritted his teeth and said, "General, although the Ma family in Yicheng is not as good as it used to be, there are still some contacts. If the general believes in Wang, I would like to raise two thousand dollars for the general. I hope that the general will spare me!"
Yang You stood up and laughed. He suddenly pointed to Ma Wenjie and said, "Ma Wenjie, do you mean to believe you?"
Ma Wenjie felt a little joy in his heart. Although Yang You was asking questions, there were loopholes. He rushed to say, "General, I am willing to stand by!"
Yang You waved a hand to Hou Jun to grind the ink. Hou Jun walked quickly to grind the ink. Before Yang You left, he tied Ma Wenjie rope and untied Ma Wenjie. He moved his wrist with a sigh and then went to the table and wrote a letter with ink.
In the letter, Ma Wenjie promised Yang You that Yang You would keep it a secret and not tell him about his affair with Li Tang. Ma Wenjie was willing to hand over all the wealth of the Ma family. There were 36 fertile fields in the shops of Xiangyang and Yicheng in Zhongma, with a total of 10,000 yuan of money in the family. In addition, Ma Wenjie also gave another two thousand dollars to several young and beautiful women in Yang You.
Yang You blew on Ma Wenjie’s letter with a wet letter in his hand, which made him satisfied. After Ma Wenjie pressed his handprint, Yang You sneered at Hou Jun and said, "General Hou put Ma Wenjie in prison!"
Ma Wenjie was about to speak when he was stupefied. Yang You said with a smile, "Ma Wenjie, you should be wronged for a few days and I will let you out when there is an opportunity!"
Ma Wenjie was convinced of this. He nodded again and again and said, "Thank you, General!"
Hou Jun Nunu mouth Ma Wenjie put his hands together and let Hou Jun rope tied up and followed Hou Jun out of the room.
Yang You carefully looked at the letter. With Ma Wenjie’s handwriting, the letter was even more confirmed by his fingers. This time, the Ma family in Yicheng was in danger, and Yang You stepped into the banquet hall.
At this time, Xiao Chen was reading Liu Yuxian’s evidence. Every stroke and every pile made all the people feel scared. At least half of all the people were involved in selling smuggled salt. As Xiao Chen sounded, all the people gradually changed their faces.
Zhou Xun’s face is also very pale. He is one of them. He didn’t expect that today’s banquet turned out to be a hidden murder. Some of the old scores were turned over, and some of them were committed by Da Sui.
Xiao Chen poked things out at this time. Obviously, he is trying to control this matter. Cai’s family is the main messenger selling smuggled salt. Naturally, Liu Yu can’t escape the meritorious service. As a result, it’s hard to say that they are caught in the middle and don’t know what to do.
By the time Xiao Chen finished reading the bill, most people in the courtyard were already fidgeting and almost fell to the ground.
Chapter 52 Combining rigidity with softness
Yang You didn’t attract a lot of people’s attention when he walked into the hospital. At this time, most of them were already unable to protect themselves. How can they spare any effort to mind his business? Yang You eyes coldly swept the crowd, and most people looked depressed, which was obviously a considerable blow.
It seems that Xiao Chen, the prefect of Nanjun County, called them up. First, Xiaoli dispelled everyone’s vigilance, and then everyone inadvertently threw out this shocking news to make everyone unprepared!
Look at the crowd expression Yang You smiled before he walked slowly looked at the crowd Landau "how all guilty? Afraid? "
Several people have bowed their heads and the situation is better than others. Even if they have more money, how can they fight against the government?
Liu Yu naturally knew Yang You. When he saw Yang You’s ordinary costume, he was shocked "burst" in his heart. He knelt down and panicked. "The sinner Liu Yu has seen the position and still hopes to forgive me!" He kowtowed again and again without scruple. The floor was hard and his forehead was broken. Blood flowed out. This is his last chance. He must grasp it.


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