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Cixi is no longer talking!

Tie Liang went out with Duan Fang’s face, but soon after he left the palace, the queen mother handed out an imperial decree and Tie Liang was dismissed!
Tie Liang couldn’t believe his eyes when he heard that he had been dismissed as the Secretary of the War Department. What happened?
However, he couldn’t believe his eyes even more when he learned who was the minister of the war department, because he was replaced by Feng Guozhang, a famous general of Beiyang School, not Manchu!
The fact that Yuan Shikai was transferred from the governor of Zhili to the Ministry was also overthrown instantly. Cixi not only did not transfer Yuan Shikai from the governor of Zhili, but once again returned many original part-time jobs to Yuan Shikai.
At noon that day, the Queen Mother once again sent a message to Cen Chunxuan, the old and chronically ill, to authorize him to be an official and to transfer Zhao Erxun to the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.
What does this series of wills represent? It represents that the Beiyang Army once again won a great victory in this battle between life and death!
Not only forced the court to withdraw the trick of rising and falling, but also forced Zhao Erxun back to become the governor of the three northeastern provinces. Moreover, after the War Department was recovered by the Beiyang people, it represented that the court had stopped gathering Beiyang troops.
If these are not great victories, then what is a victory?
The next day, Yuan Shikai went to the train to get ready to take the train back to Baoding. He was all smiling. The world was all talking in secret with the four big bosses of Beiyang. But who knows that the so-called secret talk is not a secret talk from the beginning? Even if Japanese people don’t poke the news out, Yuan Shikai himself has to send someone to poke the news out.
Once the news comes out, unless Cixi really wants to push him against Yuan Shikai, she will definitely choose to bend so that this political crisis can be dealt with.
"After this, those people in the imperial court should be quiet for a few years. It’s always annoying!" Yuan Shikai smiled and talked to himself, but then he suddenly heard a few drinks outside, and then he took the sedan chair as an emergency stop. At this time, Yuan Shikai also vaguely heard the words Republic and freedom
At the same time, the scene outside the car was in chaos. Some people shouted "Assassin" and "Protect Adults". More than a dozen gunmen came out from nowhere. One person and two pistol departments were all aimed at Yuan Shikai’s car, while Yuan Shikai’s guards were fighting back with their guns and guarding the car. Unfortunately, all of a sudden, the gunmen had more firepower and the guards didn’t form a dense human shield wall.
Soon Yuan Shikai felt a sharp pain in his body and looked down to find that he had poured out several blood!
Chapter one hundred and seventy-nine On the eve of the storm (1)
The autumn of 1996 seems to be more bleak than in previous years. In the morning, the autumn wind blows through the streets with a deep coolness, lifting up dead leaves and making way for people to tighten their tight clothes.
On the streets of Huludao, as usual, people wear various colors of work clothes, and workers come out of simple and narrow houses, often waiting at the door to see their husbands and wives, and most of them are holding several children.
An Xianmin said to his wife at the door at this time, "Hui Niang is not worried that I will get paid today. When I get paid, I will buy rice and noodles today!"
A young wife named Huiniang held hands with a pair of daughters and whispered, "I know, husband, be careful with the machine!" "
An Xianmin didn’t expect that the head of his machine technology factory was in the top ten, but he wouldn’t stretch out his hands and feet to be run over by the machine like those young boys. But he also knew that there had just been an accident in the factory the day before yesterday, and a worker accidentally let his head fall off and then got involved in the machine, and then dragged him into the machine and lost his life. Even to reassure his wife, he had to say, "Don’t worry, you don’t believe me. It’s okay!"
At this time, a little girl looked up at the door corner. "Dad, I want to eat white rice when you get paid!" "
On the other side, the little boy bypassed his mother’s leg and said, "I want to eat white steamed bread instead of rice."
"White rice!" The little girl pouted to refute.
"White steamed bread!" The little boy didn’t let me.
Seeing that his little daughter was about to cry, An Xianmin quickly squatted down. "When you buy white rice and white flour, let your mother make it for you, okay?"
"really?" The little girl stopped her tears and looked at her father. "Dad, don’t lie!"
At this time, Huiniang said, "Okay, okay, go to work soon, or you will be deducted if you are late!"
An Xianmin got up and left home. At this time, tens of thousands of workers in the workers’ residential area around Huludao Industrial Zone left their humble houses one after another and then headed for major factories.
An Xianmin soon merged into the crowd, but it wasn’t long before he saw a lot of people talking loudly in front of him, and he also took a few steps in the past.
It turned out that a newsboy was shouting, "Extra Yuan Gongbao was assassinated yesterday and the situation was turbulent!"
An Xianmin doesn’t care about these state affairs on weekdays, but he also knows who Yuan Gongbao is. That’s worse than Mukden boss Zhao Dongyun.
An Xianmin was lucky enough to see Zhao Dongyun when he visited Huludao Industrial Zone last year, and he won’t forget that prestige for his generation.
And now Yuan Shikai, who is even more prominent than Zhao Dongyun, was assassinated?
When he just wanted it, he didn’t take the money to buy the newspaper directly. Because he sold it, he couldn’t read it. He used to be an illiterate farmer. After he came to Huludao and entered the factory, he learned to recognize a few words, but he could also recognize a few names to write his family’s names. Although contemporary newspapers are not obscure in classical Chinese, they are also semi-literate and semi-literate. An Xianmin can’t read hundreds of words, and he can’t even recognize most of the words inside.
So he just approached a man in a western-style braid and asked in a slightly humble voice, "What does this newspaper say?"
The man wearing western hair touched his hair and turned his head slightly to see that it was an ordinary worker’s greeting. Although he didn’t show any special expression, there was still a glimmer of disgust in his eyes. He boasted that the management of the enterprise was not in the mood to answer a lowly worker’s words. After glancing at it, he took back his eyes and then moved away directly.
With that AnXianMin slightly one leng, he saw the moment when the man’s eyes hated AnXianMin secretly clenched his fist!
And the man who was wearing a western dress soon entered a three-story building with a signboard at the door of the building to promote grain.
In the office hall, many people have gathered together. Most of them are wearing trendy clothes, while a few are wearing mandarin jackets. As soon as he entered, a young man with a pipe in his hand and a gray suit came over. "Brother Li Hui, did you read today’s newspaper? Yuan Gongbao was assassinated in the capital yesterday!"
The word Li Huinan came over and also raised his hand in the newspaper "I read it when I left, but I didn’t expect Yuan Gongbao to be assassinated!"
"It’s not unusual to be assassinated. In the past few years, Danielle Hall and other ministers encountered many assassinations, but I don’t know if Yuan Gongbao is okay!"
"We don’t think we can know this for a while. Now there are different opinions in several newspapers. Some people say that they died on the spot and sent them to the hospital for treatment. It is hard to say whether it is true or not!" The young man in the gray west replied, "But whether Yuan Gongbao is dead or alive, I’m afraid there will be chaos on this day. Alas, it’s hard to be safe for a few years now …"
At this time, don’t say that ordinary people don’t know whether Yuan Shikai is dead or alive. Even Zhao Dongyun in Jinzhou knows that Yuan Shikai is alive or dead in the same way.
"Son of a bitch, you’ve taken so many lessons from the intelligence department in recent years that dogs have eaten so much. Now that more than a day has passed, are you sure whether adults are alive or dead?" In Zhao Dongyun’s room, he changed his attitude and directly lost his temper with the general manager of the Staff Office.
Fang Biyong is also blushing at this time. A few years ago, Zhao Dongyun split the Education Department, and then set up the General Staff Office. He changed the director of the General Staff Office and set up the General Staff Office. At the same time, his General Staff Office is not only responsible for training, war and other Western German things, but also needs to be responsible for the military intelligence spying office. There is also an intelligence department at the bottom.
Zhao Dongyun’s intelligence department after General Shengjing also spread its footprint all over the three northeastern provinces, such as Zhili, Jehol and Shandong.
Now Yuan Shikai’s capital was assassinated. Last night, Russia sent Andrei, a diplomat stationed in Jinzhou, to inform Zhao Dongyun that Yuan Shikai was assassinated.
It’s enough for Zhao Dongyun to be annoyed that his own intelligence agency failed to hand back the news, but it was necessary for the Russians to inform him. However, although Zhao Dongyun knew that Yuan Shikai was assassinated yesterday, he never got accurate information whether Yuan Shikai was dead or not, which made Zhao Dongyun even more annoyed that he didn’t sleep for a few hours all night!
Although Fang Biyong’s face turned red, he still straightened his waist and replied, "After the accident yesterday, the intelligence personnel have inquired about the news. According to the information we have got so far, the nearby patrol officers quickly arrived at the sixth town of Jingshi after the assassination, and quickly blocked the surrounding areas. According to the accurate information we got, Yuan Shikai should have been sent to a nearby hospital for treatment, but we will know the specific results for the time being!"
"In addition, many clues have been found in this assassination of the Intelligence Bureau. The Manchu royal family and the Japanese Revolutionary Party are all very suspected!"
Unexpectedly, Zhao Dongyun’s face was still deep after listening to it. "Don’t go to the old man to find out whether Lord Duxian is dead or alive!"
After that, Zhao Dong Yun looked at Fang Biyong and said, "I want to know the exact news before the evening!"
Then, no matter what Fang Biyong wanted to say, he just kicked him out!
Zhao Dongyun sat down again and closed his eyes. He didn’t sleep. Although he disappeared three or four times last night, he still can’t sleep. He still has an important meeting. At this time, he is filtering one possibility after another in his mind.


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