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Now Yuan Shikai must hit Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, and wipe out the troops of a division of the seventh division of Xu Shuzheng. Fujian is always waiting for an opportunity to threaten the hinterland of the Qing court. It is only a policy to wipe out the troops in one fell swoop while there is no reinforcements in Xu Shuzheng!

Yuan Shikai’s newspaper came back immediately and asked Feng Guozhang Zhongli to cope with the attack of the Chinese revolutionary army and to be able to hold it for half a month. That is victory! Feng Guozhang recorded the first achievement!
Feng Guozhang grinned and felt bitter for half a month? If this is normal, it’s better to say that the Chinese Revolutionary Army has successfully crossed the Huaihe River, and it’s two brigades. One day, the plane will help out, and it won’t be too long before it can cross the Huaihe River. It’s harder than going to heaven to get people back then!
But now the imperial forces are stretched, and Yuan Shikai has no spare forces to put troops in Jiangsu!
Yuan Shikai gave Feng Guozhang a dead order to stick to it, and promised that Feng Guozhang would "draw" a joint force from Bengbu to support Huai ‘an, and would come forward to persuade the Southern Revolutionary Party to send troops to participate in the Jiangsu battle, so that Feng Guozhang must stick to it until reinforcements arrived!
Feng Guozhang severely stamped his "milk" and "milk" old spell afraid of what is it not two divisions? Old troops are dominant, so I can’t believe you can’t hold your attack!
The next day, the flight formation road of the Chinese Revolutionary Army once again showed a rapid offensive. The most’ exciting’ strength was the position of the 21st Association on the east side of Longjiagang, and the 40th Brigade took a strong offensive. The 21st Association was beaten in a desperate situation, so it didn’t fight back. One day, the 21st Association was driven out of the defensive position, and the position of the 30th Brigade in the 40th Brigade finally became a coordinated battle between the two brigades, and the fighting capacity was no longer underestimated. Even if the three associations besieged it, it wouldn’t be somebody else. The two brigade opponents of the Chinese Revolutionary Army had been suppressed by others!
It lasted until the night, and the 42 nd brigade was ready to launch a further landing battle towards the south bank! Even together with Lin Xiao, they were sent to the south bank, where the commander-in-chief of the former enemy unified command, and three brigade battles came together, and this powerful artillery regiment!
Feng Guozhang shuddered at the thought of three brigades plus an artillery regiment!
At such a moment, Feng Guozhang made a crazy move to give up the eastern defense and withdraw the troops from two towns in the sixth town to encircle and attack the landing. Even if the Huaxia Revolutionary Army line breaks through the Huaihe River defense line, it is necessary to kill the Huaxia Revolutionary Army, a division that crossed the Huaihe River!
A great war completely Huai ‘an East Side Battlefield Exhibition!
Lin Xiao was an excellent general who was personally mobilized by Shida. He once followed Shida to Germany for half a year’s military’ exchange’ flow. The command of high flyers War was really high-handed. Even though the Qing army in two towns surrounded you Zi, he managed to command three brigades to attack the Qing army in two towns frequently. The plane covered the two sides for three days in a row, and it was still difficult to tell the winner.
At this time, Cai E is also burning with all his heart. If Yuan Shikai really transfers heavy troops from other places, Lin Xiao on the other side of the river is difficult to support. You must find a point to make a breakthrough!
Cai E looked at the map with wandering eyes and seriously thought about countermeasures.
Suddenly, Cai E’s eyes fell on a place on the military map, and Cai E’s eyes lit up. Yes, this is where I forgot this place!
Tiger wing mountain. Yes, it is Tiger wing mountain. There is also a group of its own here.
Cai Dexing has been hiding there for nearly half a month. Now there are nearly 1,000 troops in Zhang Zhenhai, and this little guy has attacked everywhere and collected two bandits. Together, he already has 13,400 people. If he is properly transported, this little guy will definitely be a bomb in the Qing camp! Now it’s time for him to do it!
Cai E shouted "Lin Yu!"
Lin Yu, the war staff, quickly came over and said, "Chief of Staff!"
Cai E drink a way "immediately send a message to Huyishan Cai Dexing to let him raid the Qing army in the first town of the southern position night, cover the 15th division to break through the tight encirclement and completely defeat the first town for me! It’s time for him to show his face as a cavalry! Send a message to Lin Xiao to stop attacking tonight and pretend to attack tomorrow night. When there is’ mixing’ and’ chaos’ in the southern Qing army town, take advantage of the situation to launch a face attack, which will definitely cripple the old Badi town! "
Lin Yu quickly replied, "It’s the chief of staff!"
Huyishan Cai Dexing can’t wait a little now, but Cai E gave him an order that he was absolutely not allowed to "privately" fight against a bandit, but if he dared to "privately" fight against the Qing army in hell to pay, he had long wanted to fight, but he never had a chance!
When he received a report from Cai E, he jumped up and shouted, "It’s time for me to immediately prepare for the army and avenge our brothers!" say
Chapter nine hundred and sixty-four Tilt the balance of war
Cai Dexing, who was ordered by Cai E, couldn’t wait for the victory for a long time, yelling and commanding the 151st regiment to prepare for the battle. More than a dozen cannons, mortars, heavy machine guns and submachine guns were pulled from the mountain, and all weapons were prepared overnight. Visit the latest chapter:
Cai Dexing, a 124-member regiment of the 151st regiment, directly organized two bandits to strengthen the camp, and three or four hundred others directly organized a volunteer camp. Their equipment was stolen from the nearby prefectures and counties, and the German "Mao" rifle was made in Hanyang. Although the combat capability of the revolutionary army is far from perfect, it is also a force!
Cai Dexing ordered his subordinates to rest for three hours, which is about seven miles from Huyi Mountain to the south of Longjiagang. From noon to night, they can get to the battle site.
At noon, Cai Dexing urged the army to rush out from Huyi Mountain. It was not difficult for the revolutionary army to travel more than 70 miles for seven hours, but it was not possible for this group of bandits to travel long distances. These people will surely complain!
Cai Dexing shouted in front of the bandits. "Brothers, I once told you that being a bandit has no future. You also saw that Taiwan Province Zhang Lin was born as a bandit as you were. After several years of enlistment, our president changed from a bandit head to a regimental chief of staff and teachers, commanding tens of thousands of troops. Can’t you compare with Zhang Lin? If you are willing to work for the Republic of China, you will kill the enemy desperately and make meritorious deeds. Your future is just light, even if you can’t catch up with Zhang Lin. In the future, there will be a colonel and a brigade commander among you. It is possible that it is in charge of thousands of people, which is much less beautiful than it is now. Men and men should make great achievements and make a name for themselves in history! How can a bandit be worthy of his parents and ancestors wearing a thief’s skin? "
The first two bandits, He Tianxiao, Dong Yunlu, are two people from Hubei who are desperate. Are there two people entangled in the Jianghu? King Zhanshan, this is also a great opportunity that the world has forced. How can two people not cherish it? This is the best time to change your destiny!
Two people shouted, "don’t worry, colonel, I want you to say a word. Our brothers will never frown even if they are in the mountains and fires! The revolutionary army can do it and our brothers can definitely do it! "
Cai Dexing patted two people on the shoulder. Now can the bandits’ morale be boosted? Cai Dexing knows that these people are good at fighting with the wind. The bigger the battle, the more refined they are. But once they are in danger, they will run faster than rabbits. Now they need to be encouraged again!
Cai Dexing cried, "Well, then I will promise you that we will succeed in this war, and I will personally go to the chief of staff and you like it! Don’t be afraid to say a company commander, that’s for sure. If you make great contributions, even the battalion commander won’t talk, and the brothers will definitely reward you! Let’s go! "
Cai Dexing led the 151st regiment in the direction of Longjiagang and rushed to the present war, that is, Feng Guozhang put all the troops in the front line. Where is there any defense?
Cai Dexing marched all the way more than 70 miles away, and arrived at the scheduled position just after dark. The revolutionary soldiers, to say the least, three or four hundred bandits were exhausted.
Cai Dexing smiled at the two leaders. "What about the two brothers? The revolutionary soldiers didn’t see much sweat in their heads. Look at our brothers who are almost paralyzed …"
Two people are also a little tired. When did you fight so hard? But Cai Dexing’s words ran on two people’s faces and shouted, "* * * * A group of soft eggs usually brag and force them to lose face to the old people at this point!"
Cai Dexing waved his hand and smiled. "Okay, brother, it’s okay. It’s early in the day. The guns on both sides haven’t sounded the most exciting yet. We don’t rush to attack. Let the brothers rest in place for two hours and then enter the state of readiness. We can’t diarrhea when the war is over, but we will die!"
Two people nodded and promised to arrange more than three hundred bandits to rest on the spot.
At * * o’clock in the evening, Lin Xiao attacked violently in front of him. An artillery regimental headquarters threw itself into the battle, and then added some mortar groups to launch a fierce attack on the 21st town on the south side. When did the 21st town get serious, some of them couldn’t support the artillery fire all over the sky, and the 21st town was miserable for days, which made the soldiers of the Qing army really unbearable?
Fortunately, at this key, the seventh town strengthened its attack on one side and dispersed the pressure of the first town to a great extent before the first town barely supported it.
It’s almost time for Lin Xiao to look at it. At this time, Cai Dexing’s 151 regiment should also be in place, and it’s time to launch a general attack
Lin Xiaoshen shouted, "Tell the 140th Regiment to resist the attack of the seventh town and adjust all his troops to deploy the 151st Regiment behind the first town, and then attack the first town. We will beat the shit out of them tonight!"
Lin Xiao ordered a whole division to be transported quickly, and all ministries were closely adjusted. The front was still carrying out a powerful offensive towards the first town!
At 11: 30 at night, the first town has completed the new military deployment and stormed the first town. Almost all the firepower has been transported to the first town, and I feel the pressure like Mount Tai again!
When the first town was a little breathless, a sudden knife behind the 151st regiment became the last straw to crush the hunchback!
When Zhengdi Town controlled Cao Kun to deal with the main force of Lin Xiao ahead, Cai Dexing led more than 1,000 people to’ plug’ into the position of the first town, and more than 20′ door’ cannons launched a powerful offensive against the position of the first town. Cai Dexing led more than 1,000 revolutionary troops to charge and attack the position of the first town.
Is coping with Cao Kun didn’t expect to fight back with a military force to cope with Lin Xiao’s first town being caught off guard. In less than half an hour, it was’ holed’ by the DiYiWuYi regiment for two consecutive lines of defense!
The first town is over say
Chapter nine hundred and sixty-five Kaohsiung battle for one
The Huaihe front war has entered a white-hot state, but now the situation in Taiwan Province is becoming more and more tense.
Thanks to the intelligence of the General Staff, X power returned to the Kaohsiung military port station in the 40th regiment, and entered the state of combat readiness for the first time!
Zhang Lin didn’t expect the General Staff to get the information so quickly. He still underestimated the ability of the Chinese Republic of China. The huge and meticulous intelligence system was tantamount to ambushing the two regiments ahead, and at this time, a brigade to Kaohsiung Military Port swooped down on Kaohsiung Military Port.
It’s Xu Shuzheng’s main team, but Zhang Lin’s Taiwan Province division can’t match it!
The 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of Taiwan Province had just arrived at Kaohsiung Military Port and had not yet entered the battle when the 40th Regiment took the lead and was ready. Gao Xin took the lead in attacking the 1st Brigade of Taiwan Province with the idea that the first hand was strong and the second hand suffered!
Sun Liechen, the brigade commander of the first brigade, hasn’t come here in vain. What happened? The striker’s first regiment was beaten by the 40th regiment!
Being caught off guard means being caught off guard. They still want to sneak attack on Kaohsiung military port and capture Yang Lin alive. I didn’t expect to be beaten by the 40th regiment first.
No matter the 40th Regiment went into battle, along with the fort of Kaohsiung Military Port, dozens of Krupp heavy artillery made in China went to the 1st Brigade and died!
A regiment plus a rear fort, the number of cannons owned by the revolutionary army is much more than that of the first brigade, and the sudden war has taken up all the wind, and the first brigade has suffered a lot!


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