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Perhaps it was stimulated by this strange atmosphere. Cai Xing’s thinking was extremely agile at this time. He wiped his mouth and looked up at his father and said, "Ah Weng, if you have many old subordinates in Jingzhou, you will be like a cloud! What’s more, if you are old enough to control Jingzhou, I think Cao Gong will help you with all his strength. At that time, if you have the support of a family and strong support, who will dare to disobey your wishes? "

When it comes to this Cai Mao, there are some temptations. However, Liu Biao, after all, has ruled Jingzhou for so many years, which is beyond his own comparison. If nothing fails, Cai Jiake will fall into the abyss of perdition.
Seeing that Cai Mao was still hesitating, Cai Xing rolled his eyes and said, "Weng, if it’s because of mutual affection, you don’t have to get rid of Liu Cong. Can’t we do what Tsao Gong has done?"
"What does Xinger mean?" Cai Mao rolled his eyelids and glanced at his eyes.
Cai Xing saw his father’s loose attitude and immediately said to Cai Mao, "If you want to imprison your uncle in the government and call him seriously ill, then Liu Qi and Bretz will definitely have him after they get back to Xiangyang …" Cai Xing’s eyes flashed a murderous look. "When the time comes, Weng Bing will hold those guys who followed Bretz. Can they still be proud?"
"But what if they rebel?" Cai Mao blurted out.
Cai Xing clenched his fist and said, "Hum, uncle, it’s still Jingzhou Pastoral. Then the official document will be issued to see who will rebel with them." Even if someone really dares to rebel, Weng can still ask tso for help! Now Sun Ce in Jiangdong is still thinking about killing his father and hating Huang Zu. Where can he be born? "
Huang Zu was singled out because Huang Zu and Cai Mao were at odds. If anyone rebelled, it would be him.
Cai Mao grabbed Ba Qing’s beard and thought for a moment and said, "This matter still needs to take a long-term view."
"Weng! Before it’s too late! " Cai Xing a listen to immediately speak out against the way "ah weng don’t forget to wear a letter? Know big sleep! "
Cai Mao a glaring "you this rough sex such as can achieve great things? And wait and see … "
"Absolutely not! Weng, how many Nanyang soldiers are in the city now? Our family is enough! " Cai Xing easily persuaded his father that he was afraid that he would suddenly go back on his word after spending the night. "We will take them into the shepherd’s house one day to control the uncle’s great things!"
Cai Mao hesitated, "not many people? If the movement is too big, it will be easy to let the cat out of the bag. It will be difficult to clean up if bretz learns the truth. "
"Weng makes sense! How many people are suitable in your opinion? " Cai Xing hurriedly said that Pei asked
"So, I’ll personally lead you to say that today I’m drunk and go to Zhen Shi to make a gift to the accompanying twenty fine strong men to secretly prepare a weapon to hide in the gift box." Cai Mao thoughtfully said slowly after a long time. "After preparing two hundred foot soldiers to control your uncle, let him order to replace the guards. Let’s wait until after the day!"
Cai Xingwen heard that the mouth wound was affected by a big grin, but he still said with a smile, "That’s it! Do you want your son to contact some reliable people to prepare secretly? "
"reliable? Hum, which of your friends is reliable? " Cai Mao heard a cold hum and said, "Don’t bother, just prepare as I say. The entourage must be loyal! Can’t you choose those who have no family? "
"Children are white!" Cai Xing excitedly should be together to go out and get ready to act but be Cai Mao drink a way "live! I haven’t finished yet! "
Cai Xing quickly knelt on the ground and looked up at Cai Mao and asked, "What else does my father command?"
"Call these people and I will tell them myself!" Afraid of Cai Xing’s bad behavior, Cai Mao decided to decorate himself and said a few names before putting Cai Xing to prepare gift boxes, weapons and so on
This night, Cai Mao was so busy that he didn’t arrange it properly until then. After sleeping, his wife, Zhang, asked him that he was tired and didn’t tell her the truth. He thought that Liu Biao had been good to himself in recent years, and Cai Mao almost wanted to stop. However, when he thought about saying that again, he felt that he could not sleep until midnight.
The next morning, before Cai Mao got up, Cai Xing rushed to the backyard. The donkey turned around a big tree for a long time before he saw his father pacing out with awe.
"Weng!" Cai Xingying went to salute and greet, and he was secretly nervous to see if his father had gone back on his word. No, it was arranged last night. I won’t go back on my word at this time
"Xinger will retreat after entering the city today!" Cai Mao is a patriarch after a night’s thinking, although he decided to make it, but in the end, he should consider more. If things fail, Cai Jiake will really be finished.
Cai Xing heavy nod yoshimitsu exposed eyes "a big deal to die! If you are lucky enough to succeed in Jingzhou today, you will be your father! "
His gambler mentality is still inherited from Cai Mao.
Cai Mao’s eyes narrowed slightly. Is this not his heart?
After entering the city, Cai Mao led Cai Xing to the shepherd’s house and went to Liu Biao. After learning of his purpose, he was unhappy for a few minutes. Last night, after listening to Cai’s talk about his nephew’s drunkenness, he was furious with Zhen Shi’s comity. I didn’t expect Cai Mao to take him to apologize early this morning and let Liu Biao feel that Cai Mao didn’t live up to his letter and closeness.
Although it is said that I came to Zhen Fu to make a gift, I will definitely not apologize face to face. After all, Cai Xing is a foreigner who sees Zhen Fu in the ceremony. However, when Liu Biao sees Cai Mao, he seriously makes people carry several large gift boxes, he feels a little too much.
"There is nothing wrong with Xinger’s drunken gaffes. Is that so?" Liu table motioning with his hand, "carry back! They are all family members! "
Cai Xing took a few steps to bow in front of Liu Biao and said, "Be sure!" When I raised my body again, a swinging sharp knife had been thrust into Liu Biao’s chest in my hand!
Cai Mao was stunned by this sudden change, and Chua scared his face, while Liu Biao didn’t guard against stretching out his hands to help Chua Xing get up, but he didn’t prevent Chua Xing from stabbing his heart and opening his mouth. Youzi couldn’t believe it in his eyes.
"General!" Seeing Liu Biao fall to the ground on his back, Chua screamed and jumped at him, but where can he still hold it? But was tall Liu Biao with a fall to the ground.
Cai Mao only reacted at this time and slapped Cai Xing in the face and roared, "Are you crazy!"
"Ha ha! I regret that I can’t come now! Weng! After your uncle died, you became a shepherd in Jingzhou! " Cai Xing’s face is swollen and his eyes can’t tell the biting madness. The sharp knife and blood are dripping on his aunt Chua’s body.
Chua looked up and glared at Chua Xing and folded and shouted, "Somebody! Kill this madness! "
"Second sister!" Cai Mao winked at the accompanying strong man and turned to tsai and said, "Stop shouting! If you want Cai’s family to never be seen again, shout! "
Chua looked blankly at his own brother for a moment and could not speak.
This sudden tragedy hit her so hard that she couldn’t figure out why my nephew suddenly went crazy but my brother’s eyes were so calm.
☆, Chapter sixty-five My roommate fuck GeCi opportunity.
"Now regret can’t come! Weng! After your uncle died, you became a shepherd in Jingzhou! "
Cai Xing just spoke as if Cai Mao’s expression echoed in the hall. Yes, now that Liu Biao is dead, there is a little retreat. I think that Liu Biao has been close to myself over the years. Cai Mao feels his back is cold. Did he really do such a thing?
While Chua Fu Liu Biao body pressed Liu Biao’s chest wound with one hand and blood poured out from her finger gap, but suddenly she didn’t know if she looked up at Cai Mao and regretted it? It turned out that this matter was your mastermind … Where is he sorry that you would let you instruct my nephew to do this outrageous thing?
Although Chua is the daughter of Cai’s family, she can marry Liu Biao, and she has been favored by Liu Biao in recent years. Even though she has never given Liu Biao a man and a woman, she has always loved her. She has been thinking about her family and thinking about Cai’s family, but who knew this would happen?
Cai Xing stabbed deeply and directly into the heart. Liu Biao didn’t even say a word before he died.
"Ah Weng, it’s not like this …" Cai Xing couldn’t help whispering in his cold war father’s ear when he saw his aunt’s face with a look of resentment.
Cai Mao suddenly stabbed Liu Biao to death for him and upset the plan. Listening to his words meant that he had to wave his hand at the second sister’s hand because of his anger. He slapped Cai Xing hard. "Shut up! Don’t get out! "
Burying his face in his face, Cai Xing was stunned by his slap. He turned and walked to the door and looked back at his father’s mouth with a grimace of a grin. What he wanted to kill Liu Biao was that he was afraid that his father would suddenly go back on his word. Now he wants to go back on his word, and so on. Send someone to trick Liu Cong back to Xiangyang, and then he will enter the shepherd’s house. In Liu Qi, you can’t keep it and kill it together. It will rock the boat in the future.
"All the leng wear stem? Still not doing things? " See the accompanying strong man with Cai Xing’s head held high and shouted at him. At the moment, he couldn’t say how comfortable his hot cheeks seemed to be, and his pain was less.
Cai Mao looked at Chua’s mouth and finally said nothing. What he said now was nothing but crustily skin of head.
"Be optimistic that people are not allowed to enter or leave here without my order!" Go to the front of the hall, Cai Mao said to the two cronies guarding the door that the two men should bow their heads. Last night, Cai Mao didn’t say that he would kill the shepherd. If the shepherd is still alive, there may be a turn for the better. I thought that bretz had witnessed all this in the hall, and the Cai family was in a panic.
Of course, some people think it’s better, and the weather in Jingzhou should be changed.
However, Cai Mao didn’t expect Liu Bei and others to return to the house, and even more unexpectedly, Liu Bei was waiting to see Liu Biao on the side of the purlin. After hearing this, Liu Bei screamed and came out, just to see Cai Xing holding a sharp knife and Liu Biao dying.
Cai Xing’s sudden assassination just now was unexpected, so everyone stared at the purlin and Liu Bei was shocked. Look at Cai Xing’s blood still in his hand. The first thought is to protect himself. Seeing that he turned around and was about to sneak back to Piansha, Cai Xing was out. When he saw it, he rushed to see his fierce expression. I want to kill people again.
Liu Bei listened to the footsteps behind him in a hurry. When he turned to face Cai Xing’s hand and smashed such a shocking plot with a sword, he knew that he would never be able to protect himself. Although he saw Liu Biao’s death at that moment, Liu Bei’s heart flashed a glimmer of exultation, but his eyes were safe. He calmly looked around and thought about what to do.
Cai Xing is holding a short knife, which is even worse. Liu Bei’s calm face looks at him, and his eyes are full of disdain. He can’t help but make a sudden gesture. Liu Bei has been fighting for a long time. What have you never seen? As soon as the war gas was revealed, Cai Xing was scared to live involuntarily.
And after Cai Mao walked out of the purlin, he saw Liu Bei pressing the sword to confront him. He was surprised at first. How could Liu Bei be here? Then I realized that Liu Bei must have seen the scene just now.
"How dare a thief!" After seeing Cai Mao, Liu Bei sneered at Cai Mao’s calm eyes, but Cai Mao was ashamed. Suddenly, Cai Mao himself scared Liu Bei, the six gods, to stare at him with awe, and he became more and more flustered.
Kill them all at once!
The idea together with Cai Mao eyes was much a few minutes malicious and complete.
Liu Bei and others looked at the corners of Cai Mao’s mouth with a cold look and guessed Cai Mao’s mind. "I’m here to say goodbye to the shepherd today. If you don’t return to Xinye for a few days, aren’t you afraid that this matter will be known?"
Cai Mao was shocked when he heard this. His eyes suddenly flashed and he looked at Liu Bei and said, "Hum, I need to shout about this. First, Liu Bei suddenly attacked the shepherd. Who dares to believe it?"
You!’ Liu Bei looked around at the strong man holding a sword and pushing him to the crowd. He couldn’t help but take a step back and pull out his sword and drink a big way "Cai Mao! Can you deceive heaven and man by instructing your son to do this outrageous thing? "
Cai Xing is eager to try because he has one of his own around him. "Ah Weng! Must say more! Kill him today and people will know! "
Seeing Cai Mao’s hesitation, Liu Bei immediately said, "You can’t make a mistake again!"
Cai Mao sighed and went to Liu Bei’s crowd and said, "It’s over. I don’t want to harm the general, but it’s reversed …" Speaking of which, Cai Mao turned back and glared at Cai Xing, acting too recklessly and disrupting his plan. What should he do next? He was at a loss at the moment.
"What a thing!" Liu Bei looked sarcastically at Cai Mao’s eyes and said to Cai Mao, "Since you don’t want to harm the shepherd as Yan Jue said, what if the shepherd is dead now?"
Cai Mao thoughtfully remained silent. He can’t trust anyone now. It’s not difficult to say that it’s not difficult to kill Liu Bei now, but what Liu Bei just said made him hesitate. According to his plan, Liu Biao will be detained and then Liu Qi and Liu Cong will be lured back to Xiangyang. When the time comes, Liu Biao will be forced to lift Liu Cong’s soldiers, and then he will be held incommunicado. What’s the harm?
Thought of here, Cai Mao said, "To tell you the truth, I originally wanted to persuade the general to accept Liu Yibing and restore the tranquility of Jingzhou in the past."
"It’s sad to be in the same room!" Liu Bei sighed with a heavy sigh, but the sword in his hand did not return to its sheath. He thought in his heart that Cai Mao had to make a pretence before he could protect himself, so he considered the tone and said, "Today’s business or providence! Prepare can help Luo Jue one arm strength but after the job is done … "
Cai Mao listened to stare big eyes and thought nervously about the credibility of Liu Bei’s words.
When I learned that Liu Bei was coming to Jingzhou, Cai Mao was really opposed to Liu Bei, and Cai Mao somehow always had some antipathy. However, his opposition did not work. After Liu Bei entered Nanyang with his troops, Cai Mao also heard about it. It seems that Liu Biao took Liu Bei in and refused to draw a territory for him, which will drive Liu Bei away sooner or later.
Now, according to Liu Bei, he wants to benefit from it, but it’s hard to think about it. Who wouldn’t think about it first in this troubled times? What Liu Bei asked for was not just a piece of land.
As soon as Cai Mao read this, he said to Liu Bei, "After the job is done, the prefect of Nanyang County must be brother Xuande. What does Xuande mean?"
Liu Bei smiled. His goal is not just Nanyang, but now it seems that this is a godsend!
"Do you want to be prepared for help?" Liu Bei knew that Cai Mao didn’t have many troops. It might be enough to control the shepherd’s house, but what about later? Liu Biao is dead, so it is impossible to stay in secret forever. Even if Liu Cong can be trapped and killed, can Nanyang Army soldiers be loyal to him? At that time, this army will be Cai Mao’s greatest reliance, but now it can’t take the initiative by itself, otherwise Cai Mao will inevitably have doubts.
Cai Mao frowned and thought for a moment and said to Liu Bei, "Please go to the house to discuss it."


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